The Role of SEO in Window Cleaning

Ideally, a window cleaning business should be good enough to survive on referrals.

However, the reality is that to establish itself, a window cleaning business must attract new business. This can be done in one of several ways:

·         Door to Door Canvassing(*)
·         Leaflet Dropping(**)
·         Newspaper Advertising(****1/2)
·         SEO(****1/2)

You might notice that I have given newspaper advertising and SEO the same amount of stars. Whilst this is true, the reasons for the grading are different. Newspapers get four and a half stars because they often produce quick results, however, they lost half a star because they are very temporary. They only attract business for the week in which they appear. So, the results are good but not enduring.

SEO is the same rating bnt for different reasons. A window cleaner wants a continual supply of work. SEO loses half a star because it takes a while to attract business. However, it is superior to Newspaper advertising in that it's effectiveness lasts much longer than its rival advertising method.

With that said, what marketing strategy should a window cleaner use?

A balanced approach is best. Obviously a mix of paper advertising and SEO should be a priority for the fledgling business. However, a small allocation of time for leaflets etc may yield some temporary results, especially around holiday periods.

Another point to consider is that SEO shoes are not all the same size. Therefore, due diligence is required before hiring someone. Don't just hire the first person that says they will get you on page one of Google, ask for a portfolio to back up their claims and, the, weigh their services against the cost that will be incurred. This point will be examined further in a subsequent article.

Of course, SEO is only important if the majority of your customers come from Google, or searching for 'local businesses near me'. However, many companies rely on a great job, word of mouth, and repeat bookings for the majority of their income. There is, of course, a lot to be said for this method. For instance, keeping overheads low enables your profit margin to increase, and customer satisfaction will help you grow your business faster than Google could ever do.

For the majority of 'start up' window cleaning businesses, however, SEO is a vital way to get your foot on the first rung of the ladder. Without it you could take years to grow to the level that one moth of digital marketing can achieve. For this reason, it is worth investing in SEO, at least for the short term....

The role of SEO in window cleaning

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